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Minutes - June 19, 2021
Shorecrest Beach Club Minutes
June 19, 2021
Working Meeting.
Meeting called to order 10:00 am
Roll Call: Ken Shelton, Craig Larson, Tracy McGlothlin, Janet Martini, and Mike Jacobson
Board voted to accept the May minutes.
Open Session
President’s report: Mike reported that a new sprinkler system has been installed, new steps on the stairway at our park, talked about new storage shed at the garden, need for a new play set, the dumpsters for the cleanup.
Treasure’s report: Tracey McGlothin gave a verbal report. Checking Acc. 54,363.68, Savings Acc. 56,535.91, Emergency Fund 19,193.38.
Office Managers report: Carolynne reported that 55 lots have been sold in May and new fees that are being charged when lot are being sold.
Carolynne’s title has been changed from “office manager” to “Manager”.
Maintenance report: Elliott gave a verbal report. He reported that he has been keeping the grass green, worked on the stairs at our park, reroofed a buss stop, widened the coverts by the garden, worked on the grounds at the Shorecrest sign, reworked the pathway between the clubhouse and garage.
Architectural report: Elliott said we need more people on the Architectural Committee. It will be discussed at next board meeting.
Pool report: Teresa reported that the pool has been busy during this hot spell, she also said that people are throwing stuff in the pool, she requested that we install cameras to catch however is throwing the stuff in the pool. Teresa would a like to sale T-shirts and hoodies with Shorecrest logos on them.
Activity Committee: Marcia reported that there was a good turnout on Memorial Day also they are planning to have games and food on the 4th of July celebration on Sunday July 4th from 1pm to 4pm. She asks if Ladies Group was going to have meetings again, and if the men were going to start up the card games. She brought up Shorefest and having bingo nights again, without the food, and having a movie night where tarps could be draped over the backstop and the people could sit on the grass.
Old Business:
Mike talked about renting a backhoe so Elliot could take care of some projects.
New playground equipment was also brought up and how much it would cost.
Carolynne reported that people have reported seeing a cougar on Skyline Drive.
A member said a tree in the adjoining lot was about to fall down, it was leaning against another tree.
Tracey said that Mason County prices are increasing at a high rate.
Closed Session
Open Session
Adjourned 11:42 am
Recording of the meeting is available to all members.
The minutes will be posted on the Shorecrest web site after the minutes have been approved by the Board. (Shorecrestbeachclub.org) or if requested the minutes could be emailed to a member.
Mr. Shelton SBC Secretary
Board of Directors
Craig Larsen
Vice President
Janet Martini
Tracey McGlothlin
Lou Maggi
Joanne Krieger
Art Parker
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement: Enhance the quality of life for our community.
Shorecrest Beach Club Vision Statement: Build a safe and desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends, and neighbors.
Shorecrest Beach Club Value Statement: Actively promote and encourage membership participation along with supporting initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community.
Contact Us
Member Services Director
40 E. Evergreen Lane
WA 98584
Fax: (360)426-9212
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Office Hours:
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 9:30 to 2:00
- Thursday 9:30 to 12:00
- Available the 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00 to 12:00
- Closed - Saturday, Sunday and Monday