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Board Meeting - November 11, 2023
Shorecrest Board Meeting
November 11, 2023
Notes by Janet Martini
Call to order by Craig Larsen
Roll call: Craig Larsen, Art Parker, Janet Martini
(Not enough board members to be a forum)
Vice Presidents report: Craig Larsen
Not much to report. We had some issues with cars in the neighborhood partially blocking one of our roads. The plan was to attend the Sheriff’s meeting at Spencer Lake Grill but then we decided it would be better to go to his office rather than bring something like that in front of 40 other people at the meeting. Janet went to the Sheriff’s meeting, and he was actually out of town. Craig and Elliott will address this at a later time. Carolynne had called the fire department and they said they had no authority to do anything about cars in the road.
Treasurers report given by Carolynne Brown
Balance in our accounts is $122,823.85. The expense of the new appliances was questioned because we had raised $1,600 towards the purchase and Carolynne clarified that the $1,600 had been added into the month before so it would offset our expense by that much. A copy of the full report can be obtained at the office if anyone would like a copy.
Office Managers report given by Carolynne Brown
The board members voted to change the closing fees for the sale of properties from $200 to $500. This is primarily to add more money into our emergency fund. There were 153 late payment letters sent out and 81 of those people have paid. There are still 72 property owners that have not paid for the roof replacement. There are 6 property sales waiting to close shortly. A copy of the full report can be obtained at the office if anyone would like a copy.
Maintenance report by Elliott Pridmore
There has been a lot of cleaning up around the grounds due to the weather. He has been cleaning the area around the pool. He hung up the new cover on the closet in the kitchen of the clubhouse. It looks great. Good solution for having to take the old doors off due to the larger refrigerator purchased. Winter projects he wants to take care of; he will be adding some crushed rock in some areas that need it around the grounds. He will be widening the culvert over at the community garden area so that vehicles can have better access.
Pool report by Teresa Holcomb
The installation of the new lights around the pool will be on Tuesday the 14th. It should just take them one day. Then it will take about a week to get the water filled into the pool. At that time Teresa will add the chemicals and take care of anything to winterize the pool.
Any other business: One of the attendees asked when our fiscal year ends and it is April 30th for everyone’s information. It was brought up that Elliott will be on vacation for a few days over the holiday. The office will close at noon on the 22nd for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.
Meeting adjourned
Board of Directors
Craig Larsen
Vice President
Janet Martini
Tracey McGlothlin
Lou Maggi
Joanne Krieger
Art Parker
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement: Enhance the quality of life for our community.
Shorecrest Beach Club Vision Statement: Build a safe and desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends, and neighbors.
Shorecrest Beach Club Value Statement: Actively promote and encourage membership participation along with supporting initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community.
Contact Us
Member Services Director
40 E. Evergreen Lane
WA 98584
Fax: (360)426-9212
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Office Hours:
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 9:30 to 2:00
- Thursday 9:30 to 12:00
- Available the 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00 to 12:00
- Closed - Saturday, Sunday and Monday