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Board Meeting Minutes - September 9th, 2023
Shorecrest Board Meeting
September 9th, 2023
Meeting called to order by Mike Jacobson
Roll Call: Mike Jacobson, Lou Maggi, Tracey McGlothlin, Art Parker
Mike talked about the pool. We had gotten a bid on resurfacing the pool this year and the cost was way more than we expected. Talked about just pressure washing and patching all the areas and having Elliott doing that. Elliott will also replace tile where needed. Then there is the issue of all the lights that need to be fixed. It was agreed that this should be done by the pool people to ensure the work is done up to code. We will get a bid from the contractor just to do that work. With that work being done we should be able to go another 2 to 3 years before we would have to resurface. That will give us time to save money so that we don’t have to do any assessments.
The Garden Club discussed a shed for their tools and things and some sort of sprinkler system to make watering easier. There were a couple of different ideas talked about so the board said whatever they decide. The board will contribute $500 for a new shed to their liking. Joe Iccabozze had some ideas so they will run with this one.
Tracey McGlothlin gave the Treasures report. Copies of the report are available in the office upon request.
Carolynne Brown gave the Office Managers report. Copies of the report are available in the office upon request.
Elliott Pridmore gave the Maintenance report. Things winding down from the summer. He has been doing some work on the Baseball field. He will be the one working on the pool once it is drained.
Teresa gave the Pool report. The pool is to close Sep. 17th for the season. Had a lot of people visiting the pool but things went fairly smoothly during the season. She will be draining the pool and getting things buttoned up for the year.
Marcia talked about the Activities meeting Oct. 3rd to discuss any future activities. She talked about the new appliances for the clubhouse and the fact that we raised $1,600 toward that with our bake sale on the 4th and the raffles on the 4th and during Shorefest. Shorefest was a great success. People talked about how good the food was this year.
Meeting adjourned.
Board of Directors
Craig Larsen
Vice President
Janet Martini
Tracey McGlothlin
Lou Maggi
Joanne Krieger
Art Parker
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement: Enhance the quality of life for our community.
Shorecrest Beach Club Vision Statement: Build a safe and desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends, and neighbors.
Shorecrest Beach Club Value Statement: Actively promote and encourage membership participation along with supporting initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community.
Contact Us
Member Services Director
40 E. Evergreen Lane
WA 98584
Fax: (360)426-9212
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Office Hours:
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 9:30 to 2:00
- Thursday 9:30 to 12:00
- Available the 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00 to 12:00
- Closed - Saturday, Sunday and Monday