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Board Meeting - September 10, 2022
Shorecrest Board Meeting notes
September 10, 2022
By: Janet Martini
Call to order
Roll Call: Mike Jacobson, Ken Shelton, Janet Martini, Tracey McGlothlin, Joanna Krieger
Maintenance and Architectural Committee: Elliott Pridmore
Pool Manager: Teresa Holcomb
Office Manager: Carolynne Brown
Mike talked about starting to think about next year’s budget and big-ticket items we will need to discuss such as new roofs for the clubhouse and out buildings. Budget meeting will be sometime in December for next year. Other items to be discussed in individual reports.
Minutes from August meeting had been approved at the boards working meeting and will be posted on our website. Also, some people have asked about July’s meeting notes and they will also be posted on our website. Carolyn to make sure.
Treasurers Report given by Tracey McGlothlin. Copy available at request.
Office Managers Report given by Carolynne Brown. Copy available at request.
Carolynne reported on earnings and properties that have sold. We had 5 properties sold in Aug. and there and 6 more that are with title companies ready to close. The board is having a joint HOA meeting with 8 other communities like ours to discuss issues of communities like ours. Our county commissioner Sharon Trask will be attending along with a couple other representatives from the county. We are looking for more help from the county in dealing with some of our issues in the community. So far, we should expect about 35 people in attendance. Due to the amount of people coming already this will be for board members only but there will be information shared with our community after the meeting. Carolynne and Janet to work together on food to serve.
Still waiting for a third bid for the new roof. Carolynne also handed out a copy of our profit and loss to date for everyone to be aware of our money situation.
Maintenance report given by Elliott Pridmore.
Elliott went to Timberlake’s for a joint meeting with the county on CERT (Community emergency response team) This pertains to evacuation plans in case of an emergency in our area. Timberlake’s has 15 people designated on the team. We may want to think about having our own team for our community. Elliott to go to training for this at a later date. He discussed the rental of a tractor to get garden area ready for our carport to be installed. It is $1,520 to rent it for a week. We may have other areas to improve on with the use so this had already been approved. The gravel is to be delivered on Oct. 5th cost being $462. Which has already been approved also.
Someone has mentioned the railing going to the beach at the park was broken Elliott to look into.
Pool Report given by Teresa Holcomb. Pool has been doing well. We have had over 3,000 people use the pool which is way above normal. Great job Teresa. Holding out the closing as long as the weather holds. Probable closed in the next week or so since the weather should be changing. The plumbing updating will be scheduled 2 weeks after we close. Then the discussions will begin about the resurfacing of the pool also. Teresa has made money on food sold and will be using that money to redo the flower pots around the pool area, buying some new life vests, umbrellas and chairs. Mike to take the wooden chairs to his house to do repairs during the winter months. Thank you, Mike, for volunteering.
Architectural Committee report by Elliott Pridmore. Progress being made. We sent out 10 letters to people not in compliance and we actually had 8 people respond and are working on the issues in the letters they received. We have 2 more letters to be sent out this month.
Activities Committee report by Marcia. Shorefest was a great success. Lots of fun was had by all. Talked about the issues in doing Thanksgiving. Our community has grown so much it would be difficult to seat everyone indoors. We decided that we might do gift baskets to those families in need. We also talked about Bingo in Oct. or Nov. with spaghetti feed. To discuss a little later.
New business:
Teresa said she has been allowing kids to come into the clubhouse and use the Karaoke machine and they have been really having fun with that. Everyone agreed that was great.
Johanna mentioned maybe looking for a better way to let our community know about our harvest of the community garden. There are a lot of new people that may not know about it.
Meeting adjourned.
Board of Directors
Craig Larsen
Vice President
Janet Martini
Tracey McGlothlin
Lou Maggi
Joanne Krieger
Art Parker
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement: Enhance the quality of life for our community.
Shorecrest Beach Club Vision Statement: Build a safe and desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends, and neighbors.
Shorecrest Beach Club Value Statement: Actively promote and encourage membership participation along with supporting initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community.
Contact Us
Member Services Director
40 E. Evergreen Lane
WA 98584
Fax: (360)426-9212
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Office Hours:
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 9:30 to 2:00
- Thursday 9:30 to 12:00
- Available the 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00 to 12:00
- Closed - Saturday, Sunday and Monday