- Details
Board Meeting - August 13, 2022
Shorecrest Board Meeting notes
August 13, 2022
By: Janet Martini
Call to order
Roll Call: Mike Jacobson, Ken Shelton, Janet Martini, Tracey McGlothlin, Joanna Krieger
Maintenance and Architectural Committee: Elliott Pridmore
Pool Manager: Teresa Holcomb
Office Manager: Carolynne Brown
Mike talked about the new Basketball backboards, which are a much-needed addition. Cameras have been installed in certain areas and we have sent letters out to a couple residents about kids doing things they shouldn’t be doing. The carport has been ordered to be installed on the lot of our garden area to be used for protection of our trailer.
Minutes not completed by Ken Shelton to receive at a later date.
Treasurers Report given by Tracey McGlothlin. Copy available at request.
Office Managers Report given by Carolynne Brown. Copy available at request.
We filed 4 liens against properties that are past due on their HOA dues or have uncorrected covenant violations. We are planning a joint meeting with other communities in the area. Always good to get input of others as to what is working and what in not in order to make our communities the best we can. Having difficulty finding electrical contractors to move our electrical boxes outside our pool area as requested from our inspection. They know we are working on it. New roof needed next year to be addressed when all bids come in.
Maintenance report given by Elliott Pridmore. Painted new lines on the basketball court. Looks great. Mainly getting the grounds cleaned up and ready for Shorefest. Put up new swings on the swing set.
Pool Report given by Teresa Holcomb. Pool is running smoothly we have had 1728 swimmers so far this year which is up a lot from past years. We have had some issues with property owners bulling our pool attendants. Teresa has had to come to the pool on several occasions to take care of some issues. She is having to explain the rules of the pool to new people to the community. Talked about old wooden chairs needing to be replaced. One of our new homeowners Mike offered to take them home one at a time and take them apart and repair them before next season. We will be buying 5 new chairs also. The pool with be open late for Shorefest. Talked a little about the repairs that need to be done at the end of the season, re-surfacing and plumbing repairs.
Architectural Committee report by Elliott Pridmore. Carolynne sent out 5 letters and Elliott to send out another 5 after Shorefest is over. Always seems to be issues with some property owners. Need to stay on top of it every month.
Activities Committee report by Marcia. Shorefest on August 20th. She went over our menu and talked about fun things going on to get ready. Decorations to be made etc. Want to make sure all the kids that participate in the parade get a take away for participating. Jamie and his new group will be doing the music. Should be good.
Old Business:
Pretty much covered old business during everyone’s updates.
New Business:
No new issues to discuss.
Other business:
No comments from anyone that attended.
Meeting adjourned.
Board of Directors
Craig Larsen
Vice President
Janet Martini
Tracey McGlothlin
Lou Maggi
Joanne Krieger
Art Parker
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement
Shorecrest Beach Club Mission Statement: Enhance the quality of life for our community.
Shorecrest Beach Club Vision Statement: Build a safe and desirable place in which to live and enjoy the benefits of family, friends, and neighbors.
Shorecrest Beach Club Value Statement: Actively promote and encourage membership participation along with supporting initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of the community.
Contact Us
Member Services Director
40 E. Evergreen Lane
WA 98584
Fax: (360)426-9212
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Office Hours:
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 9:30 to 2:00
- Thursday 9:30 to 12:00
- Available the 2nd Saturday of the month 10:00 to 12:00
- Closed - Saturday, Sunday and Monday